Dental Technology

Precise, Modern Dentistry

When you seek professional dental care at our Marietta practice, you can rest assured the entire Dentistry at East Piedmont team uses the latest dental technology to enhance your quality of care and make your dental visits as comfortable as possible.

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Advanced Technology We Use

TRIOS® Intraoral Scanner

oral scanner

A next-generation digital scanner, the TRIOS® scanner by 3shape allows us to digitally scan a patient’s mouth instead of taking a messy, uncomfortable dental impression. Thanks to TRIOS®, we’re able to offer even more precision and efficiency at our dental practice.

Using the intraoral scanner, we can scan both upper and lower to take an accurate digital impression. We then use the scan to print impression trays with our in-office MoonRay 3D printer.

CEREC – One Visit Crowns

You have a big filling that needs replacement. Do you have to get a full crown? Not necessarily.

A more conservative option, inlays and onlays fit into a tooth similar to a filling, yet they are milled restorations, much like a crown. The bumps on top of a tooth are called cusps. Inlays fit between cusps, while onlays fit over one or more cusps. Inlays and onlays allow a patient to retain more natural tooth structure, which is always best.

Not every situation is right for an inlay or onlay, but the dentist will assess your problem and determine the best solution for you. Because they are created in our office with CEREC technology, inlays and onlays require only one appointment.

Dr. Patel, and our team are proud to provide you and our patients this comfort and convenience. We can add strength, function, and beauty to your smile in one visit. That’s all it takes.

STA™ System Painless Anesthetic

STA™ System Painless AnestheticThe Single Tooth Anesthesia (STA™) System from Milestone Scientific is the first computer-controlled local dental anesthetic system where just one injection at a single tooth is all that’s needed to scientifically, safely and predictably ensure single-session injection precision. It’s even highly effective for multi-quadrant cases.

STA is the only system of its kind with patented real-time visual and audible feedback technology, allowing you to easily obtain proper needle placement between the tooth and bone.

dental spa experience in comfort
dental spa experience in comfort

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