In a word, Yes! Over the counter whitening products are made for the general public with no consideration for the shape of their teeth, how big or small their mouth is and whether or not they have sensitivity. They work “ok” for most people and can bring teeth up a shade or two. Results do not tend to last very long and you need to whiten frequently in order to maintain the result. Professional whitening products are designed to work with custom made, whitening trays. The product is extremely effective, with maximum results being reached typically after a week or so and multiple shades achieved. The actual result depends on the individual’s ability to whiten, however, teeth tend to be consistently white at the gumline and in between the teeth unlike with over the counter whitening strips. Touch ups do occur but it tends to be many months before it is necessary and usually one to two applications are all that are required. Depending on the product chosen, trays need to be worn for only 30 minutes to 1 hour.