dental sedation safetySedation dentistry is a generally safe practice, but preexisting medication usage can affect which option is right for you. Your overall medical history plays a large role in oral health treatment, and this is especially true when additional drugs are used for dental treatment. Read further to find out more about sleep dentistry for patients who take medications:

Sedation Dentistry Drug Interactions

The various dental sedation methods available will each have their own list of medications that could potentially cause harm when taken with a specific sleep dentistry service. Below are some common drug interactions for popular sedation dentistry options:

Laughing Gas

  • Methotrexate, when used in tandem with nitrous oxide, can create high methotrexate levels that may result in weakness, pale skin, mouth sores, and vomiting, amongst other side effects.
  • Bleomycin, a cancer-treating medicine, may cause pulmonary toxicity due to an increase in oxygenation.
  • Medications that induce drowsiness can decrease breathing rates to harmful levels or make breathing halt altogether.
  • Isocarboxazid, phenelzine, selegiline, and tranylcypromine can have a drastic impact on patients’ blood pressure.

Oral Sedatives

Many oral sedatives used to treat dental anxiety fall under a class of drugs called benzodiazepine. When benzodiazepines are mixed with medications that cause central nervous system depression, the likelihood of overdose increases. Such drugs may include certain types of antidepressants, barbiturates, phenothiazines, and opioids.

The aforementioned medications are by no means an exhaustive list of potential drug interactions for sedation dentistry. Make sure your dentist knows your full medical history prior to choosing a dental sedation service.

What to Do If Your Medication Interacts With Sleep Dentistry

A drug interaction doesn’t necessarily mean a sedation dentistry method isn’t safe. In some cases, your dentist may adjust the dosage of a dental sedative to account for medicine usage. If your medications are not a good fit for a certain type of sleep dentistry, you can pick an alternative one that has the same calming result with fewer potential side effects. Another option is to cease medicine usage temporarily, but this decision must be approved by your general practitioner first.

Dentistry at East Piedmont provides soothing sedation options that keep patients both relaxed and safe throughout their visit. We take the time to learn your personal and medical history to ensure every aspect of your treatment is a perfect fit. Reach out today to learn more about sedation dentistry or to schedule an appointment at our Marietta dental spa!

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