There are a bevy of smile makeover options available to suit your particular concerns. In this video, Dr. Patel goes over some of the treatments that a smile makeover covers, as well as how it can benefit both your general and mental health.

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video transcript
Hi there, Dr. Ashish Patel to talk to you today about the benefits of a smile makeover.
What Does a Smile Makeover Entail?
Well, smile makeovers can be anything as simple as whitening, it could be white bonding to the teeth, it could be veneers to the teeth, it could be a full reconstruction with implants.
How Will it Improve My Smile?
All these options have great benefits towards your overall dental health. First and foremost, you can probably chew better if we do a smile makeover, establishing a proper bite is really key part of that. But the better enhancement that everyone always wants to go for is “What is it gonna do for my smile? What’s it gonna look like?”
Any of these options will improve greatly the aesthetics of your smile but what I’ve seen over the last 20 years of doing smile makeovers is that patients’ personalities actually come out. They become a little bit more confident in their daily approach to life. And so the benefits of a smile makeover are not just a beautiful smile, it can go all the way to absolutely changing your perspective on life.
If you’re interested in exploring the options for a smile makeover, don’t hesitate to give our office a call.