Invisalign is a clear alternative to braces for straightening your teeth. In this video, Dr. Patel explains Invisalign and its benefits.

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video transcript
Hi there, Dr. Ashish Patel to talk about one of my favorite ways to get your teeth straightened- that’s Invisalign.
Many people have heard about Invisalign, it’s been around for a long time and in Dentistry at East Piedmont, we’ve been doing these cases for a long time. The before and afters that you see on our website for Invisalign were all done by me and we’ve had some amazing results with it.
While not every patient is a candidate for Invisalign, we’re finding more and more that Invisalign can even tackle some of the more complicated cases.
If you’re interested in exploring your options for Invisalign, we’d love to see you for a complimentary consult. Give our office a call, we look forward to meeting you.