Dental implants have drastically improved over the last few years. In this video, Dr. Patel explains how beneficial new technologies have been to dental implants and what our process looks like.

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video transcript
Hi there, Dr. Ashish Patel to talk about one of my favorite topics: dental implants. Dental implants are a great way to replace your teeth. You can replace a single dental implant for a single tooth that’s missing, you can replace multiple teeth for multiple teeth missing, or you could replace all of your teeth for all of your teeth that are missing.
They’ve come a long ways, the technology just keeps getting better and better. We’re really impressed with what dental implants have come in just the last five years. In our office we have a cone beam technology that allows us to visualize in three dimensions what the bone around that implant might look like so we can actually do the surgery on a computer before we actually perform the surgery and then our surgery will be performed with a guide that precisely puts that implant exactly where we placed it.
So if you’re looking to replace the missing teeth with dental implants please call our office for a complimentary consult, we’d love to take a look at you in our office.