replace missing teeth in one dayAccording to the American College of Prosthodontists, more than 36 million people in the United States do not have any teeth. Not only are missing or broken teeth embarrassing, but they can also lead to long-term health issues.

Teeth in a Day is a procedure that removes and replaces missing or broken teeth in one appointment with permanent results.

Not everyone with broken or missing teeth is a good candidate for Teeth in a Day. We’ve outlined a few factors to help determine if it’s the right treatment for you:

Amount of Tooth Loss

This solution is best for those suffering from massive or total tooth loss, as the procedure is meant to replace a full arch of teeth and utilizes a minimum of four implants. If you only need one or two teeth replaced, dental implants are a better option.

Unhealthy Habits

Activities like smoking and teeth grinding can affect the results of Teeth in a Day. We highly encourage patients to curb these habits before the procedure so they can see the best results.

Jawbone Integrity

Tooth loss wreaks havoc on the jawbone and Teeth in a Day requires a certain amount of jawbone to be intact. This treatment is still an option for those who have suffered severe jaw deterioration but only after bone grafting.

General Health

Those suffering from gum disease or other oral health issues are not a good fit for Teeth in a Day. Even conditions unrelated to oral health such as diabetes, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases will disqualify you as a candidate for the procedure.  


Teeth in a Day is a great alternative to dentures as it is a permanent solution that can be treated just like your natural teeth. Unlike dentures, Teeth in a Day doesn’t require a palate covering the roof of your mouth, so you can talk and enjoy food just as you did before tooth loss.

The only way to be sure Teeth in a Day is right for you is to have your dentist assess your oral health and talk to you about your medical history. If this procedure sounds like it will be beneficial for you, please schedule an appointment or call us at (770) 321-5558 and we’ll be happy to tell you more about it.

Atlanta Virtual Dental Consultation