Nutrition and Your Oral Health
What you put in your mouth makes a big difference in the state of your oral
Dentures vs. Dental Implants: Which is Right For Me?
Missing teeth are no laughing matter; even one missing tooth can wreck your whole smile.
Reasons to Visit Your Dentist Twice a Year
It’s a common belief that you only need to visit your dentist once a year, but the best way
Marietta Cosmetic Dentists: Why Choose Dentistry at East Piedmont?
The popularity of cosmetic dentistry is growing every day, and with that, so is the
Am I a Good Candidate for BOTOX®?
BOTOX® injections have been steadily rising in popularity for over a decade now and with
How Cosmetic Dentistry Works
Your smile is one of the first things people notice about you, so it makes
Invisalign: Before and After Treatment
There are plenty of advantages to choosing Invisalign over traditional braces, but the details of
How to Deal with Dental Emergencies
While it’s important for your oral health to visit your dentist regularly, some emergencies require you
Meet Dr. Ashish Patel
A person’s smile is one of the first things you notice about them, so of